Renfrow’s will have baby chicks in March and April 2025.
Download a printable calendar here:
Download a catalog of chicken breeds available at Renfrow’s here:
Our chicks are PULLETS unless otherwise noted. Pullets are female chicks that grow into hens.
*Bantams are “straight run” meaning they are unsexed.
“Star” breeds are Sex Links; there is 100% accuracy in the sexing due to males and females having different colored feathers when born.
Arrival dates:
Thursday, March 13:
- Barred Rock
- Black Australorp
- Black Star
- Blue Copper Maran
- Buff Orpington
- Easter Egger
- Ideal 236
- Olive Egger
- Rhode Island Red
- Silver Laced Wyandotte
- Welsummer
Thursday, March 27:
- Black Australorp
- Black Star
- Blue Laced Red Wyandottes
- Buff Orpington
- Easter Egger
- Ideal 236
- Olive Egger
- Rhode Island Red
- Silver Laced Wyandotte
Friday, March 28:
- Cream Legbar
- Onyx Olive Egger
Thursday, April 10:
- Barred Rock
- Black Australorp
- Black Star
- Blue Copper Maran
- Easter Egger
- Ideal 236
- Lavender Orpington
- Olive Egger
- Rhode Island Red
Friday, April 11:
- Buff Silkie Bantam*
- Cream Legbar
Thursday, April 24:
- Black Australorp
- Black Star
- Blue Laced Red Wyandotte
- Buff Orpington
- Easter Egger
- Hatchery Choice Feathery Leg Bantam*
- Silver Laced Wyandotte
- Welsummer
Friday, April 25:
- Buff Cochin
- Onyx Olive Egger
- White Frizzle Bantam*
Chicken notes:
✦ We order all pullets when available, which grow into hens. “Straight Run” orders mean the chicks were not sexed and they will grow up to be hens or roosters, but we have no way of telling them apart at that young age.
✦ All chicks are available on a first come, first served basis
starting when we open at 8am each arrival date.
✦ Chickens are social creatures. We recommend purchasing no fewer than three chicks to create a family unit. This makes for happy and healthy chicks.
✦ If you’re new to backyard chicks, review our Renfrow handout regarding advice for raising chickens and other poultry for answers to frequently asked questions, available for download at
✦ Chickens are farm animals and some will die. Children should be prepared for that possibility. A word to the wise: hold off on naming the chicks right away.
✦ We receive all chicks certified disease-free. Chicks must be treated gently for several weeks. They are all vaccinated for Marek’s Disease.