Explore All We Have to Offer!
Our Green Thumbs
Explore our greenhouse to see all of our availability for Veggies, Herbs & Flowers. Also explore our Fruit Plant availability for our Fruit Trees and Specialty Trees!
Locally-Made, Raw Honey
Our bees are hard at work for you! Renfrow Farms has pure, raw honey for sale in multiple sizes. We have several dozen hives located two blocks from Renfrow’s at our “in-town” farm. Our millions of bees are the hardest workers on our farm, pollinating so many of our crops and making thousands of pounds of honey each year.
Chick Report!
Spring is the time for new life of all forms! Interested in adding a flock of chickens to your back yard? We can help answer all of your chicken related questions and equip you to succeed when you bring your first chicks home!
Seed Counter
Renfrow’s keeps garden seed year-round because we have the privilege of being able to plant, harvest, and enjoy something from the garden every month of the year in this climate! We keep over 300 varieties of vegetable, herb, flower, cover crop, and lawn seed in stock at all times.
Unique Products
Come by and check out some of our unique products! Perfect for gifts or your own home. Lodge Cast Iron, Tree Banding and Local Products comprised of artisan foods made by various small businesses in the Charlotte region such as Sweet’s Elderberry Syrup and Bost Gristmill Cornmeal and Grits.
Hardware Services
We have your hardware needs covered! Renfrow’s is an old-fashioned full-service hardware store specializing in many traditional hardware supplies – fasteners of various types, hand tools, plumbing parts, appliance parts, and more. We stock many hard-to-find items and our team has a wealth of knowledge about all of them. Let our guys work with you as you solve your household handyman projects and problems!